Dr. Nikhil Pandhi
At North Point ORthopaedics

4 Key Components of a Joint-Friendly Workout Routine

Jan 04, 2024
4 Key Components of a Joint-Friendly Workout Routine
Many don’t consider joint pain a problem they’ll have to deal with until they’re older — but we think it should be on everyone’s minds. Keep reading to get expert advice on how we all (young and old) can keep our joints healthy while working out.

Are you an adult with arthritis looking to stay active despite your painful symptoms? Are you an athlete looking to make gains without destroying your joints? 

Then, this blog is for you. 

Whether you already have joint pain issues or hope to avoid them for as long as possible, Dr. Nikhil Pandhi and our team are here with the four pillars of a joint-friendly workout to help you exercise with your joints in mind. 

1. Perfect form

Sloppy running, improper lifting form, and even using the wrong equipment are all a recipe for joint pain and injury. From time to time, Check how you’re performing your preferred activity to ensure you aren’t stressing your body without realizing it. 

2. A solid warm-up

You’ve heard about warming up before exercising more times than you can count, but there’s a reason. Your joints are held together with connective tissues and muscles that need to limber up before you ask them to run, help you lift weights, and make plays on the pickleball court. 

You don’t need more than 5-10 minutes to warm up. But before you plop down for some static stretches, consider swapping them for basic dynamic exercises to completely prepare your body for activity. 

3. Varied workouts

No one should do the same workout every time they lace up; this is especially true if you’re into high-impact sports and/or running. So we recommend cross-training (training in other activities that aren’t your usual or preferred workout). 

You don't have to stray too far away from your favorite workouts, but it is important to give your most-used joints a break. For example, avid runners should consider slowing down for strength training.

Other excellent cross-training options include yoga, bicycling, swimming, hiking, and other low-impact activities. 

4. Gradual increase

We get it: You have goals. You want to set PRs, and you want to use your workouts as a way to improve your overall health. But there’s a right and wrong way to push yourself, especially when your joints are concerned. 

Whether running, lifting, or playing a sport, remember to reach for the next level slowly. Overdoing it can stress your joints and cause serious injury. 

The bottom line

Joint pain (current or future) should never stop you from exercising. In fact, a sedentary lifestyle can reduce muscle strength, flexibility, range of motion, mobility, and even your energy levels. 

Moving your body more has the opposite effect for those with joint pain and those who want to prevent it. We know regular exercise can reduce stress on joints by:

  • Strengthening the surrounding muscles and connective tissues
  • Encouraging joint lubrication
  • Increasing circulation to your joints
  • Promoting a healthier body weight 

But with all these benefits comes great responsibility. You can easily exacerbate or trigger joint problems if you exercise carelessly. That's why working with Dr. Pandhi and notifying our team at the first sign of pain is essential. 

If you’d like more information about joint-friendly workouts, call or click to schedule a consultation with Dr. Pandhi today.